Aikatsu Mobile Phone Review


Video Creator’s Channel Merrideiya Imperatrix

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So I Actually Have Also This Teasing Booli

is 19 for my boy. I think it looks super cute. It has some characters from well. I learned like about this. You can change your wallpaper anytime please let me just take it out from here.

Take It Out From This Part And Then

you put another kind of and put your effort so best apart. You know guys um near the stock wheels for the UK card with us so let’s try. I can’t use cover right now because there’s our space, but the camera is used to take pictures so it’s not super cool. I’ll use this to get a card. If you have eight egg katsu cards and you can scan the UK code to get clothes over here for your tag that says here you can design your character.

This Is Me.

You can use your cars. to design your character which I think is super cute in this area so I dress up myself like this so cute um here’s my mic at the start, so you can change your face your hair and you can get multiple choices every time. You make you did a mission so let’s go to so here. This is a mission and this is where the last expedition.

  • uk code clothes tag
  • actually teasing booli 19 boy
  • card let try use cover
  • egg katsu cards scan uk
  • design character think super cute
  • card
  • booli
  • code
  • wallpaper
  • cute

You Just Have A Star That

means you don’t have a mission so it means you still have to play games so that you can take mission so we’re gonna play my leaders time here baby stars my ready sir so I’ll bring a couple of more than will do another game so it’s time to clean another industry and this one geez how you say did I knock you get off and stars let’s do our last game because there’s only. three games in here! You have the nail Polish game, The Running Times game and this game I’ll show you some basic music consumers cool okay. I got it okay scoring to be accepted so that’s all the games go to the ammunition for how to mission Venus purple so here you go here I’m just too busy thirsty bags their school. There were two students go to the dress. I’ll get back and dress up Oh yeah yeah my dress step by Eddy Teeth.

Im Gonna Wrestle You How To

play the sound music Hey Ziggy cuz. I am missing one so I hope you guys enjoyed the other stuff in your poll. This one is like putting music in your phone, but you need to have an UK card. So this is what music in your phone and then we also have well peepers the calendar alarm clock. But we also have messaging and it does work you have to just scan your friends-this is even Duck sing some weird red messages anyway.

I Hope You Guys Enjoy Make

sure to leave a like share and subscribe and make to UK bring the notification valve so that you will know when I will upload my. I got to phone review part 2 to see what next phone love you. I’ll see you in my next video.


You have the nail Polish game, The Running Times game and this game I’ll show you some basic music consumers cool okay . So I actually have also this teasing Booli is 19 for my boy.& I can’t use cover right now because there’s our space, but the camera is used to take pictures so it’s not super cool.& If you have eight egg katsu cards and you can scan the UK code to get clothes over here for your tag that says here you can design your character.& You just have a star that means you don’t have a mission so it means you still have to play games so that you can take mission so we’re gonna play my leaders time here baby stars my ready sir so I’ll bring a couple of more than will do another game so it is time to clean another industry and this one geez how you say did I knock you get off and stars let’s do our last game. I’m just too busy thirsty bags their school…. Click here to read more and watch the full video