Nokia 215 Dual SIM Mobile Phone Cell Phone Review New Nokia 2015


Video Creator’s Channel SJP

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Hey Guys Whats Up Um So Today Im

doing a review of the Nokia 215 dual sim um. This is the first phone to be released from Nokia in 2015. . It’s not available yet it’s not released yet in the Uk anyway. I think it’s just out in the Europe.

I Think Its Just Not Europe, But

I’ve managed to get hold of it all of it sooner okay so yeah The details of the phone okay. It’s um 116 mil length 50 mil width from there to there and the thickness is 12. 9 mil so just over a centimeter thick 12. 9 mil okay um so let’s just show you what’s inside the box first of all just show you the box first gives a few of the details on the box okay. It’s available in green black white these all do the details um It’s got facebook Messenger.

Twitter Opera Mini Browser Games And

apps MsN Weather SD card, which it doesn’t come with the X SD card anyway. It supports up to 32 GB, which is not included FM radio video player up to 20 hours 21 days. Standard standby time Torch led torch file sharing audio support slam via bluetooth Okay what was in the box open the box. The charger. This one’s a European charger so i had to buy an adapter.

Its Not Available In The Uk

yet the phone so there’s a charger the phone obviously the battery behind it. I’ll open the phone up in a minute so you can see and how to put the battery in the sim in and the memory card as well okay open the box here. The charger was in there manual and headphones and that’s it there’s nothing else um they never supply the um. Sync cable so that’s just something I had okay so I’m gonna move the box out the way move the charger out the way let’s get straight down to the phone For now Okay 2. 4 inch display Okay let’s just go around the phone Quickly.

Ill Show You The Phone Feels

nice nice green color um it doesn’t leave any fingerprints on it Nice nice material. It’s just like a plastic sort of material, but it’s nice okay speaker there camera there um the bad thing about this phone the 0. 3 megapixel camera 0. 3 that’s an absolute disgrace, but I’ll get to that in a bit okay Okay the buttons feel Nice lock locking the phone is press that then lock to unlock press again unlock Okay now that’s for the sync cable all and your charger that’s the headphones on the right and this is the um. Torch led Torch to put that on you can go through the menu to put it on or you can just press up twice um there so on and then press up again to go off so twice up on two and off it’s actually a nice torch because in the dark because it’s a green color.

It Shows Like A Green Led Its

really nice. I don’t think I don’t think it is a green led but it looks like it but it might be because this actual casing is green or it might be a green. It’s just difficult to tell but yeah it’s a very nice um Torch so off okay let me just quickly read out the details quickly um so Yeah I’ve just told you the display size 0. 3 megapixel main camera 2g networks. I’m not sure it’s available on 3g yet or if it’s.

Going To Be Available On 3G

maximum standby time 29 days maximum torque time on 2G phones 20 hours, which is excellent for talk time maximum music playback time 50 hours, which is superb radio features stereo FM radio that’s with the headphones maximum memory card size 32 GB the one I’ve got. I think it’s a 4GB but I’ll show you that but the memory card doesn’t come with the phone you have to buy it all the sync cable doesn’t convert Obviously Nokia never give that anyway expandable memory card type micro sd memory card okay. So right now I’m just going to open the phone up and show you how to put everything in and how it was okay. The good thing about this phone. the old Nokia phones they had this thing where you had to put pull it up from the.

Top The Good Thing About This

This whole thing just comes up and there’s a slot in the back here. If you got long nails, you can just open it easily. I’ve just cut my nails so you just I’ve just got a plain screwdriver put it straight in it’s easy as anything to open this that’s it opens up back simple that’s the first good thing about the phone because normally you struggle with opening Nokia phones from the back okay Anyway the battery comes off like that I’ve already got one sim my own sim there there’s another sim it’s dual sim so you can have two sims use two numbers. You can change from one sim one to sim two. If you wanna use another number that’s the beneficial thing about dual sim.

The Memory Card Goes Up There Can

you see I’ve already put 4GB memory. card into there, but I don’t want to take it out, but you just slide it in like that it goes in. Then you just pull it out. Just put it out that’s it so that’s it simple as that and then put the phone back on the battery pack. Once it’s in it’s simple to put it back.

  • nokia
  • sim
  • 3g
  • 2g
  • phone

You Just Put It Straight Exactly

as you see it in line and just squeeze it that’s it so that’s a really good thing for what they’ve done in the back This time okay okay now I’m just going to go through the phone as quickly as possible. Let me start it I’m sorry to start just hold that bone there um it might have lost the time, but I’m not going to go through all that anyway right now. I’ll I’ll go through when you when you see the settings. In a bit okay so straight to the menu um this picture of Batman right now. I put it through I synced some pictures so that’s nothing to do with Nokia just wanted to show you the pictures.

You Can Put It On As A Wallpaper

but anyway can we go through the menu now Okay call log history missed calls received dialed calls clear log clear call log back contacts in whatever contacts you’ve got um music choose music now um I did um I did download um no copyright free music so I’ve got about 20 seconds worth so I’ll put it on right now so you can just listen to the loud output volume is up and down so so yeah just put a quick um that was just one recording. I just wanted you to see the output of the music so it’s not bad not. bad at all okay so that’s back okay that’s music and obviously with music You can sync whatever you want down from your computer. If you download music put it straight onto this phone, but you need a memory card because with that America you can’t do anything anyway Okay alarm clock choose you got one two three four five five alarm clocks comes in handy when you need to internet I’m not gonna go into internet messaging create choose okay message to whatever number and to type in the message same thing Can you read that yeah okay all right so that’s messaging Facebook messenger radio but obviously you can’t connect without the headphones. .

The Radio Ive Listened To The

radio is nice and it picks up the it picks up local radio stations um it doesn’t it’s not as good it’s not going to pick up like. If you’re 100 miles away, but it’ll pick up the radius of like around 40 mile radius So okay apps and games click on that okay asphalt 6 adrenaline let’s see what that’s about they also put other games so they tried to make you buy it now get it get it well. I think it’s only around three pound or something just they just send it through text or something but yeah if you just texting you lose about three pound for a game, so it’s not bad. I suppose three pound game so anyway let’s just play get see what this game’s about asphalt. Six okay English enable sound yes play demo yeah so that’s the first game let’s get out of that absent games sorry about the light um every time.

  • obviously nokia expandable memory
  • um phone released nokia 2015
  • review nokia 215 dual
  • battery sim memory card okay
  • 215 dual sim um phone

I Do A Review Of A

phone. The Sun‘s always shining, but when I don’t do. The review it’s Dark Okay Block breaker three unlimited English enable sound Yes quick play continue Okay. This is actually a good game to be honest with you so yeah I’ll get out of this see again back to keep apps and games Okay I’m just going to just tell you the names of them. Now modern combat 2 Black Pegasus real football the amazing Spider-man now you can you have you obviously for the full games you gotta buy it by so it’s not bad actually about three pound a game so anyway that’s for the apps and games let’s go back apps and games okay bing I’m not gonna go into that camera Okay now this is a bad thing about the phone.

Obviously The Camera Is Um Let Me Just

click on it Obviously. It’s a 0. 3 megapixel camera so um you can take a picture and. Nice and easy when you just press it. It takes a quick pictures quick pictures like to quick, but the quality is absolutely terrible.

Ive Took A Couple Of Pictures

and I put it on my laptop and it’s so distorted . It’s it’s good for just taking pictures. If you need a proof of something and you want to just take a picture and it’s there but if you’re looking for crystal clear pick Don’t even think about it . This is terrible camera really bad at 0. 3.

They Should Have At Least Put A

2 megapixel at least but it’s terrible so yeah. Another thing is that’s the camera to get to the um wait a minute. You click on camera to get video camera that’s the video camera there because you got the to video camera and camera just came up there that’s camera to. Go there and video cameras the other one so yeah! Which is another um really terrible thing. The video camera is really bad photos now.

This Is A Photo Of What I

took earlier. captured photo I’ll show you um okay I took this picture earlier now like I said it’s in a guard somebody’s garden now the thing is um. It looks good. It looks okay and like.

I Said Its Good For Quick Pictures,

but when you put it onto your computer. It looks really distorted. It doesn’t look clear and then especially if you zoom it looks really bad. It goes really bad anyway so it doesn’t it’s okay can you see right now.

Its Just Good For Quick Pictures, But

if you want to zoom or looking for clear pictures. Don’t even bother okay so women photos then there was received and collections received. photos and efforts collections pictures okay these are pictures . Let me just see that I uploaded from the computer.

So Theres One Two Three.

Four now just giving a quick example. obviously if you want to change the color if I want this one.


The Nokia 215 dual sim is the first phone to be released from Nokia in 2015 . It supports up to 32 GB, which is not included FM radio video player up to 20 hours 21 days. The bad thing about this phone the 0.3 megapixel camera 0.&3 . The phone feels nice nice nice green color. It doesn’t leave any fingerprints on it Nice nice material. It’s just like a plastic sort of material, but it’s nice okay speaker there there are no fingerprints on the phone. The charger was in there manual and headphones and that’s it there’s nothing else. The phone is available in green black white. It is not available in the Uk yet the phone so there’s a charger the phone obviously the battery behind it. I’ll open the phone up in a minute so you can see and how to put the battery in the battery and the memory card as well. The camera is 0..& The phone has a 2.4 inch display….. Click here to read more and watch the full video