Rode Smartlav Lavalier Microphone for Smartphone review


Video Creator’s Channel EviL Ras

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Hi Guys So I Just Want To

do a quick video for you about the microphone. I’ve been using for my latest review series and I think if you see my way. My videos have evolved through the last couple months and I started off doing videos just in front the camera just like this using the onboard microphone and to show you the difference if I turn the lavalier off now. This is the audio coming out of this camera here and if I turn that down the camera up there hello that’s the audio coming from my sony A6000 so if we come back you’re largely like now so I wanted a way to make my microphone sound better and hopefully rule I have to go back and you might not read that then and so I invested in a lavalier mic now I try to say different. My quiz and a battery that was supposed to be and all-singing all-dancing it with exams the rubbish and so why did I actually go for a run and mic.

  • microphone
  • microphones
  • mic
  • recording
  • audio

So This Is The Case That It Comes

in and I just on cable Mic off okay, so this is the actual microphone itself now. I’m not going to have to hold it and talk so hopefully. It doesn’t sound too crazy and I’m using an app called sound Forge, which is just this one here. So this is showing you all the recording so as I go closer. You’re lucky here and see the audio go up and as I’m pulling back and this has been really good.

I Think Its A Really Natural

and reproduction of the way. My voice sounds and it does tend to isolate a lot of background sounds which has been great. I hope. seeing me using it because I certainly think that it’s elevating the videos.

I Think The Sound Ive Got Right

the visual I’ve got with me right and it’s just the light thing I need to do now and then I just would very very very quick video just to show you this because there aren’t many reviews out there unless it is the rode microphones and lavalier mic for smartphone and just like the smart laughs plus I think they call or something and I’ll put a link to it in the description below and the yeah if you’re looking for a particularly good like and just as a side note. My previous videos what I actually did which is Mike my galaxy S6 and and just use a homemade pop filter and just do voiceovers inside and that worked very well. I think this has brought something to. My game that is different I can walk away from the camera be as far as I need to and just synchronize the audio and directly in the camera and it’s dead easy to do.

I Use Cyber Director 15 And All I

have to do pull all the cameras on start the mic up start the app up start recording clap my hands then use that to synchronize in the app and that’s it that’s all you need to do you don’t need to be scared of external audio. It’s really easy to synchronize and brilliant well that’s it nice quick simple video and I hope you like a guy give us a thumbs up any comments you want to make about it let me know below. If you got any questions on this micro and I can certainly do my best to answer it please do stay subscribed. I’ll catch the next one please guys see Ya!

  • lavalier mic try say different
  • quick video microphone ve using
  • audio coming camera
  • rode microphones lavalier mic
  • make microphone sound better hopefully


Hi guys so I just want to do a quick video for you about the microphone.& I’ve been using for my latest review series and I think if you see my way.& My videos have evolved through the last couple months. I wanted a way to make my microphone sound better and hopefully rule I have to go back and you might not read that then and so I invested in a lavalier mic now I try to say different. My quiz and a battery that was supposed to be and all-singing all-dancing it with exams the rubbish and so why did I actually go for a run and mic.& So this is showing you all the recording so as I go closer.& You’re lucky here and see the audio go up and as I . go closer . As I go close.& This has been really good. I think it’s a really natural and reproduction of the way. My voice sounds and it does tend to isolate a lot of the background sounds which has been great…. Click here to read more and watch the full video